Quit Smoking in ONE

BONUS: FREE Additional session in the first 12 months + your money back if it doesn’t work

Smoking is slowly chopping years off your life.

Smokers lose 10 years of their lives on average. That’s 3 hours of your life for each cigarette you consume. 

But it’s not as easy as putting down the pack and never touching them again, is it?

You’ve wanted to quit before. You know you do and you’ve tried everything to quit before too like:

How much money have you WASTED on things that never worked?

And with tobacco smoke containing over 7,000 chemicals, many of which are proven to cause cancer, how much time with your loved ones are you risking with every passing day? 

So what would it mean to you to be able to quit smoking on the FIRST session?

Quit after your FIRST session or get your MONEY back

Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy is your most reliable solution to quitting smoking for good.

No more taking advice from someone who’s “tried” to quit themselves and no more alternative for that habit you want gone.

When you contact the Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy you get a proven system that has worked for thousands of Aussies just like you.

We guarantee you’ll quit smoking after the FIRST session or get your MONEY back. 

The Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Promise

Each hypnotherapy session consists of 90 minutes and you’ll get no less than

  • A pre-consultation
    At least a 1.5-hour in-person hypnotherapy session with a 99% success rate
  • Our Full Backup Support (ongoing)
  • Free Additional Sessions in the first 12 months
  • Money Back Guarantee (T&C apply)

All these come with a $350 value if you come by yourself but if you get a friend/relative/significant other, you can get it for only $600.

Total Value = $700
You pay = $600

WARNING: Spaces are limited due to high demand. Book your session while spots last!

Quit after the FIRST session. No chemicals. 100% Natural.

Your family deserves the best of you every single day. Finally, there’s a way to give it to them. Click below to quit smoking in your one and only session.